The first spam e-mail of the day Saturday almost got me. It was an official-looking receipt from thanking me for my order worth $89.99. It had links to view my order, to view my account and view the stuff I had bought. It had a help department link and another link to stop receiving mail from this sender.
All the links led to a site called
A quick Web search discovered that the fake e-mails are making the rounds this week.
Clicking on the links leads you to be redirected to a site that inflicts your computer with "PDF malware," according to the Commtouch Cafe site,
I don't know what "PDF malware" is, but I don't want any. If you get the same e-mail, don't click on anything. If you do business with Amazon, use your Internet browser to go to its Web site and click on your account there.
My next spam of the day was from a lonely sounding lady who sounds as if she really wants to be pals: "i found your email somewhere and now decided to write you. let me know if you do not mind. If you want I can send you some pictures of me. i am a nice pretty girl. Don't reply to this email. Email me direclty at ... "
I haven't e-mailed her.
I'm thinking of forwarding her note to one of my single friends, however.
What if there really were some sad, lonely, nice lady whom I could hook up with my single friend and they could both live happily ever after? In heaven, all spam will be trustworthy and lead to good things.
The last spam that made it into my e-mail inbox Saturday was a news release from someone who claimed to be launching the "First Global Arabic Certificate in Islamic Finance from a Professional Chartered Accountancy Body." I'm not sure what that means, but it seems like some kind of congratulations are in order.
Never mind all the spam that was filtered out and went into the junk folder.
There were no Russian bride ads today, but as usual there were lots of ads for medicines that help with certain problems specific to men.
When it comes to health issues, I'm a firm believer that an apple a day keeps the doctor away, and so does having a lot of dogs.
We haven't had any problems with doctors lurking around our little place in the woods, but we do have armadillos, snakes, skunks, and the occasional Bigfoot.
Well, the Cold War has evolved into the Cool War.
Russia's Prime Minister Putin is in the news, riding a Harley. I guess after the U.S. elected smooth-talkin' Obama, the Russians must have felt they were falling behind.
I'll give Mr. Putin credit for picking a Harley, but it was a trike. No red-blooded American president would be caught dead on one of those things.
Ken York's column appears in The Daily Record, Lebanon, Mo. It is reprinted here with permission.
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